Last night, we made an impromptu decision to sleep in and get room service for breakfast. We thought it’d cost a lot more but it ended up only being $15! And we couldn’t even finish. Super great deal.

We headed to Chagrin Falls to see their waterfall. No hike needed. You walk down some steps and it’s literally right there. It was breathtaking and gave it a nice breeze. We sat there for a good while soaking it all in. I even found a spot for myself to read a book … if I lived in the town. It would be nice to be able to come out here with a book and a coffee in hand and just read.

We gave the pups a mini photoshoot session. Gohan was a little tougher to get attention to but the only reason Minie was so easy is because she was too afraid to move.

We saw the Farmers Market but decided to do the waterfall first and by the time we were done, the market was gone. Daniel was so sad but what’s done was done.

Daniel took the pups to walk around and drove around and even got us both Starbucks drinks while Liliana and I both shopped for a good few hours. We ended up only buying a handful of things. I’m not a lover when it comes to shopping, but I can do little shops like these forever.

Lily was supposed to cook dinner at home but because of the time we ended up at Mantua Corners for dinner. Although it was a little on the ghetto side, the food was very delicious. I’m in a food fry coma and want to eat well for the next few days.
Daniel tried to find a place for me to buy an Ohio magnet for Mum but every place we stopped to didn’t sell any. Sorry, Mum. Maybe one day you’ll get one!

As we drove back to Pennsylvania, we dialed in on an FTK meeting and although they changed the time so we were late, I’m happy to see that the Alumnis are banning together when needed.
Because we didn’t have to rush home anymore, we decided to stop by a place where the ducks walk on the fish. We fed so many loafs of bread to the ducks, fish, and seagulls. I’ve never been a fan of this activity but it was pretty awesome to see how crazy the fish can be. There was one that was GIGANTIC! He’s probably the selfish one that always eats everything.

Daniel wanted to stop by Hank’s Frozen Custard so we did and he got us all strawberry flavour. I didn’t want one but he ordered a small for me anyways. After a couple scoops I was done. It was super sweet but super creamy as well. Just with all the fried foods before, I couldn’t handle anymore. The ended up sharing mine as well so they were happy.
When we got back, I got on my laptop and started to work. I feel bad since I didn’t spend time with them but I know they enjoyed some alone time without me around. They’re asleep now since Daniel has work tomorrow. He must be tired with waiting around with the pups while we shopped and all the driving he did. How do I get a man like that? Hit me up, boys.

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