Breakfast of champions consisted of the same thing as last night’s dinner except I ate it with a store bought and a homemade roti. Yum!

I finally went down to my first basement! It was quite scary down there since it’s not fully furnished and the French doors to the outside of the woods was a little creepy.

Apurva, Yaswant, Babs and I took a ginger tumeric and honey wellness shot just to boost our immune system. I’m quite impressed.

I spent a few hours making a garland for her welcome sign. I do not care to get flowers, though I guess I wouldn’t mind it once in a blue moon, but here I am spending so much time making flowery things for her wedding. I’m glad things turned out okay.

Lunch consisted of the same thing but with rice. They had other stuff but I am just so in love with this dish. And I especially loved that they had papadum.

We drove to the hotel, dropped our stuff off, then went to check out the banquet hall to ensure everything turned out okay.

We went back to the hotel and went to the family meet and greet and got food. The little red shaped thing is Indo-Chinese cauliflower or faux meat as others say.
Yaswant, Tashika and I went to go pick up Babs from the nail salon and then stopped by Whole Foods for some roses and water.
We are currently waiting for the henna artist to come so that we can get our henna on. I’ll probably wait a few hours and then go to bed since it’s been a busy few days.
I cannot believe she’s getting married tomorrow! Eeek!

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