[2018] 365/365: New Year Eve
Currently spending New Year’s Eve with John, Mallory, and Trey. It’s cute how Mallory has her bestie and John has his. We did some fireworks with JJ and their neighbors then some card games. I am pooped. Someone take me home.
Recap of 2018 New Year Resolutions
- Get a job and get off unemployment – I completed this goal in May right before my birthday and I have more exciting news that I’ll just wait for the new year to let y’all know.
- Refocus on health and fitness – I kind of veered in the wrong direction with this but I’ve been better these last few months!
- Continue reading more – in Goodreads I set myself up to read twelve books by the end of the year and I accomplished that way before the year was over! But I also stopped reading more so, there’s that.
- Travel somewhere new – Lake Charles, Galveston, Brenham
- Blog as much as possible – Today marks 365 days of blogging this year. I pushed myself to blog every night and I actually kind of liked it. Will I do the same this coming year, I am not sure but I will be more inclined knowing that all my memories are being captured!
- Save money for a new place – I am still working on this as getting a place is E.X.P.E.N.S.I.V.E.!
My 2019 New Year Resolutions
- Refocus on health and fitness
- Read, Read, Read!
- Travel somewhere new
- Save money for a new place
My goals for the new year is the same. Hopefully I can travel somewhere near! I’m due for a vacation!

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