Two posts in one day because this new year is already off to a great start! I hope you all had a great start as well. It’s a long post so you can look at pictures if you’d like. Enjoy!

I worked on New Year Eve but left early since I worked so much during my Christmas vacation. I made a trip to the new Kura Revolving Sushi that they just opened up near my house. It was delicious as ever and they even have new items on the menu. I ended up eating a whole lot of plates of scallop sushi and called it a day. It’s been a long time since I went to eat on my own and as usual, it was very empowering and peaceful.

I ran some errands then took a thirty-minute nap before heading over to Mallory’s. This was all the bubbly I acquired the last few days. We didn’t drink them all but the two bottles of champs were gone before you know it because we’re crazy like that. But mostly because Mallory was breastfeeding and was on the clock before the next feed.

John, Trey, and JJ went to the store to buy groceries and fireworks while Mallory, Jacob, and I stayed behind. We took some selfies with Jacob and he was being such a good baby, opening his eyes and looking at the camera.

Mallory made the asparagus when the boys were gone. When they got home, Trey made my steak and pepper and onions while John made my corn. Everything was delicious but it was way too much so I put it in a baggie to go. Sadly, when I left I forgot it and I’m super sad now.
Mallory, John, JJ, and Jacob went outside to do fireworks while Trey and I stayed inside to eat our dinner because we wanted to enjoy it … with episodes of You. Mallory and I were surprised Trey watches You and encouraged him to continue.

We took a selfie before JJ went to bed. This is my favourite picture because look at JJ. Too cute. I love that John has his best friend, and Mallory has hers. Love you all and couldn’t have thought of a better way to spend our last day of 2019!
When JJ and Mallory went to bed, John, Trey and I finished the episode we were watching beforehand John changed it to something else. I bid them goodnight and headed home before the countdown to celebrate with my parents and June. And also because I had to pack for Dallas to celebrate my nephew, Finn, being born!

We didn’t sleep much and was already on the road before six-thirty in the morning. We stopped by Whataburger for breakfast and I watched a Netflix movie I downloaded before.

I took a dang good nap in the car and before I knew it, we were already in Dallas. We dropped stuff at home then picked up food and headed to the hospital. Pokeworks and baby holding goes well together.

He is so itty bitty. The only other time I went to the hospital to hold a newborn baby was Scruffy’s niece. He is so fragile and has the lungs of a singer.

We left after an hour or so and headed home. I stole a Bang Frose Rose from Brudda and I was surprised that it was actually pretty good.

Mum and I left to Jenny’s to visit Emmy. She has a fever and has not gotten to meet her little brother. No one on SIL’s side has gotten to. It was so painful to see her so quiet and out of it. Joey, on the other hand, was all up in your business wanting attention. What a cutie!

After a good while of hanging out with Jenny and Le, we left home. Sammi put in an order at The Boiling Crab. She works there and was able to get us 20% off which is nice. We made extra shrimps so we could dip in the sauce so that we didn’t have to spend so much money. We got shrimp, clams, and mussels and it was divine. The sauces we didn’t end up using will be coming home with me to make more delicious seafood with.

After dinner, we went and visited SIL and Finn one last time before heading back home. Brudda bought all these 10-inch Deadpools. One of each version will be coming home with me as my early birthday present. The rest will go to him or returned. My Deadpool collection is growing quite nicely thanks to him.
Brudda, parents and I are currently watching a Chinese movie. I’m going to start my project for Finn’s room. Wall decals. if it comes out well, I share it with you all.

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