An early morning where I woke up to the sound of Emmy singing downstairs. We played with her for a long bit before putting her down for a nap. When she woke up, we went off to lunch.
We had places in mind and a plan to do so many things but time was limited since she is still use to two naps in one day. This kid fits right in with our family.

We ended up at Chatime since it wasn’t as crowded. Emmy is used to getting Mango Smoothies when she’s with her parents so we got her one. She seemed to enjoy it a lot and drank way more than we thought she would. Kid approved!

Chatime partnered with Slurping Noodles so we ordered food as well. The price isn’t bad especially with the amount of food they give you. Everything tasted great. But the rice bowls could use more sauce as it felt too dry for us overall.
Emmy loved the popcorn chicken and ate majority of it. June and I both loved the Xiao Long Baos the most. Compared to the place Salim and I went to last Saturday, these actually had soup in it so it’s on the top of my list in the Houston area. But if you compare it to Ding Tai Fung in Taiwan, it obviously doesn’t compare. I’m already wanting to go back for more soup dumplings. Who wants to join?

They also have super cute and calming decor and I fell in love with the mosaic tile floors.

We walked across for dessert. I’ve been here before with Mallory and Leah but have always said I’d come back to try their Crepe Brûlée since it’s only on work days. It was so worth it. I was surprised but the caramelized topping in bites as I made my way down the cone! Emmy ate all the fruit, mostly strawberries, out of both of ours. It’s safe to say this is a hit for any age group.

We got home and all relaxed and took naps. We ordered Thai Cottage for dinner to celebrate June’s birthday and had a lovely coffee mousse cake.
I spent a few hours with Emmy, cleaned part of my room, and have packed. I’m starting to donate my old clothes. I have stuff from middle school! How crazy!

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