Daniel and Jade had their annual crawfish boil and I finally got to go! Jade did a great job flavouring it Cajun style since they’re both from Louisiana. I thought it was adorable that both boys asked for my validation. Apparently people told them I was a master at crawfish and if I signed off on it then they are golden.
It was mostly old team members and now that we are kind of spread out throughout campus it’s nice to see them outside of work and to talk about non-work related things. We talked about game night in the near future which sounds fun.
A bunch of us decided to meet up online to race on Mario Kart with our Switches and after a bunch of races I’ve come to the conclusion that I am not that great and the more I play the worse I get.
Work has still been hours on hours. I do miss being a contractor because I’d be banking with all this overtime. I’m hoping all the hours I’m putting in will make a difference for my future. I’m currently learning a lot since this position is outside my scope and it’s been a tough journey but as my mentor says, “Take it one day at a time because at the end everything will work out.”

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