This morning, we went to the cemetery to do some Buddhist/Daoism thing for Grandma. We aren’t religious but we do it for her when she asks. Afterwards, we went to lunch at Crown Seafood Restaurant.
Timothy, Peggy and June ordered way too much food. This scene brings me back to Hong Kong with the family when Dad ordered a table full of food. It was fun trying new things though.
We stopped by Eck Bakery on the way home.
They have the best egg tarts in Houston. Houston because everything in Hong Kong tastes better of course! This would have been my picture of the day but there’s something better down below!
Wilson went to the market and bought live, fresh lobster to cook for the ENTIRE family.
He even took time out to crack the shells beforehand for easy eating.
This is the end result. The picture doesn’t do it justice. It was steaming and fogging up my lens but my dang, was it good.
The best thing was seeing razor clams in a stainless steel bowl. I was so surprised because I didn’t know these were sold here. I’ve only had it once by June’s sister back in Hong Kong in 2012.
[2018] 104/365: Razor Clams by Wilson
The end product was DANG good. This was the highlight of the day. Razor clams and getting to spend time with my cousin. He taught me a lot of new skills. There was a part where I got teary-eyed because I wished we saw each other more.
We stopped by Katie’s house a bit for Wilson and Mei Mei to see before we headed home. Tomorrow is a new day and a long drive ahead so, peace out world!
Crown Seafood Restaurant
10796 Bellaire Blvd, Houston, Texas 77072 | (281) 575-1768 | Website | Yelp
Eck Bakery
6918 Wilcrest Drive, Houston, Texas 77072 | (281) 933-6808 | Yelp

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