Hello, my loves! I took some pictures of the first half of my day on my camera but being where I am at the moment I cannot get them up so words are all you’ll get.
We woke up and had plans for our last meal in Hong Kong to be Dim Sum with the parents, Kathy, and PoPo.
Afterward we went shopping to get last-minute things we wanted to buy. I even scored a new cardigan from Kathy!
It was time to head to the airport and once there Kathy and Mum walked around with us for a bit before we entered our gate.
When we finally boarded we were given a snack and moments later we were fed. This flight was shorter this time around which I appreciate because it means we were closer to home.
Once we landed we rode a bus to terminal two to find our abode for the night. We were going to explore Japan with our 14 hour layover but we didn’t pack winter jackets and it is currently in the 40s.
We rented pods, or capsules as they call it, in the airport. We are both super excited for the experience. I will say that it was kind of hard to find but … we made it, checked in, and put our stuff down.
Then we ventured to find an ATM and went into 7 Eleven to get drinks to go with our bread Kathy bought us before we left Hong Kong. Once we polished it all we walked back to Nine Hours.
How the capsules look like at a glance. They give you a bag with a robe, toothbrush, toothpaste, slippers, and towels. They supply the shampoo, conditioner, and body wash as well and even have multiple hair dryers which is pretty awesome! Oh and did I mention your own locker?
Once Sissy and I were done with our nightly routine we bid farewell and went into our own pods.
So far everything seems to be pretty cool. I’ll report back on how I feel once I complete my night.
Until then, stay positive and think good thoughts!

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