Sissy tried the ATM machine with the pin code they sent to BIL. And guess what! It was always the same pin that she probably entered wrong. Lameeeee.
Breakfast in Hong Kong is always different than back home. I’ve heard China is breaking off from McDonald’s which means it wont be authentic. Bleugh!!!!
We walked around and bought some treats as souvenirs. Then we all headed back home to put it down and sit in front of the fan since it was so hot out. While walking we noticed so many of the decorations for Chinese new year keep popping up. So pretty!
Rachel finally made it home and came in with gifts to say thanks from her and Vincent for coming to their wedding.
We walked to share some pizza. Pizza here is healthier; it is not as greasy and oily as back home but still not a big fan.
The rest of the day went to shopping. In Hong Kong, I’m considered to have big feet so I was lucky enough to find one that fit since the other ones killed me with blisters.
We all went home for dinner with PoPo. Piegons!!!!! Mmm .. so dang good. Sissy and I then packed and are now heading off to bed. Flying out soon!!! Eeeeep!

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