Vincent was running late so the parents, Kathy, Sissy and I went to breakfast at Cafe de Coral where I split a meal with Sissy.
We walked around for a short period before meeting up with Vincent to ride the subway towards Lamma Island.
Once we arrived we realized we had just missed the ferry that takes us to Lamma Island. Since we had to wait another hour for the next one we decided to go to Cheung Chau instead.
On the ferry we talked about various things before the majority fell asleep.
Soon enough we were docked.
Hello, Cheung Chau.
There were so many bikes and boats! Everything looked pretty much the same … how does anyone know which one is theirs?
We started walking around and saw a historic building that is being preserved.
And we ran across Love Locks where couples lock in their love and hope it lasts.
This old man was shelling and deveining shrimp before laying them out to dry. He had so much more on the other side of him!
Mum was on the search for jumbo fish balls she had when we was younger.
And when she finally found the regular ones she was ecstatic.
Then she walked to the next stall and saw curried balls and she went crazy.
Sissy, on the other hand, was all up in that egg waffle.
We walked towards a seafood restaurant for lunch by the water.
All their seafood is fresh and won’t be picked until you order.
I won’t ever come back to this restaurant since the food was sub par but happy I got to eat like the people I see on the telly.
As we ate I noticed a police boat. How cute is that?!?!
We walked around and decided it was time to go back to mainland Hong Kong.
A ferry ride later we landed in The Hong Kong Jockey Club where the parents and Kathy bought their tickets on horse races.
Vincent showed us Lan Kwai Fong street, the street of drinking and partying. We have never gotten to witness it firsthand. Hopefully one day!
We rode the subway back, close to home, to have dinner of dumplings at Shanghai Popo.
And a small snack after dinner of fried chicken and sweet potato fries.
And a mango juice type deal. I’m not a lover of mangoes so I thought the flavour was strong and too sweet while everyone else felt the opposite and believed they added water to dilute the juice.
We walked to another mall center to check out a couple more stores. Around this time was when I realized my feet were killing me. I bought a foot cushion thing from Modern House and stuck it in my shoe but it didn’t do much since the blisters had already formed. TMI?
As we headed home, we walked by the pet store and saw little puppies for sale. $1000 give or take. Yikes.

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