Breakfast of champions at MX with the parents and Sissy. They give you so much for the morning that I could not even finish it!
Then we headed to the buses on a super long ride and switched to a taxi to meet Grand-Uncle Number 10 and his wife. I accidentally flipped the pictures but I’m too lazy to fix it. After visiting them we headed back home.
The parents headed straight home while Sissy and I went into Citywalk to shop for a black head mask.
We went into various stores and after successfully finding one we believe is good enough at SaSa, we headed home and split a lemon cake.
Soon after PoPo and Kathy came home and we reminisced some more about the wedding before heading out to shop and walk around.
We met up with Vincent and Rachel for dinner – a vegetarian restaurant just for Sissy. All the foods were plant or soy based and they try making them look like real meat.
Then it was back home to watch the wedding videos and pictures and more story time before Vincent and Rachel headed home.
Sissy and I ripped open our black head 3 step masks. Over a little over an hour later we completed the three steps which means bed time is around the corner.
We will be seeing Vincent and Rachel again tomorrow and hopefully Dickie and his wife. Fingers crossed.

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