Wednesday, January 4th, I stayed over at Sissy’s to make traveling easier. We stayed up for as long as we could before taking naps.
Thursday, Janary 5th, Sissy and I woke up super early. Me to shower and eat breakfast and her to shower and do her last minute packing.
Once it was time to leave we called an Uber and made our way to the airport where we arrived and realized the aircraft counters weren’t open yet.
Soon enough we checked in our bags, walked through TSA and waited at our gate for our first part of the flight to Japan.
They fed us dinner, a snack, and breakfast. You’ll never go hungry. I will say that the food on Eva Airlines is much much better than Ana Airlines.
In between meals we watched movies and telly the plane provided, played games on my iPad, read on my Kindle, and slept.
Friday, January 6th is when the time change happens when we finally landed in our Japan layover. While we waited Sissy realized she forgot the pin to her debit card which is where my money is too. We are still trying to figure it out but at the end I know it’ll be okay.
As we got ready to board, we realized we were taking a bus to climb up to our aircraft. So inefficient and time consuming but at least everything was running smoothly.
After a couple of hours we were fed one last snack and a meal. We weren’t that hungry but ate since it would be very late by the time we landed.
I slept some more and read on my Kindle and soon enough we were picking up our luggage and walking through customs. Our parents and Kathy came to the airport to meet us and we took the bus back.
We stopped by 7 Eleven to pick up a bottle of water, milk tea, and some snacks. We came home to PoPo who made us sweet soup dumplings from earlier when they were doing traditional wedding things.
What a long day of traveling. Time to catch some zzzs since we will be waking up super early for wedding festivites.

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