Ni Hao! haha I’m currently flying halfway around the world to Hong Kong. Our flight is set to a little before 1am, which many think is crazy. Maybe so, but it’s cheaper. This also means I’ve been on the plane for a good few hours now and my butt is probably numb from all the sitting. And since I’m one of those weirdos that liked the plane meals on my last Asia trip, I’m probably happily stuffing my face right now.
The last time I was in Hong Kong was with Mum for almost an entire month in which we made a pit stop to Taiwan to visit my cousin and his wife. This time, they will be meeting us in Hong Kong. We don’t have everything planned out other than a pit stop in Thailand but I don’t mind it. I’m looking forward to seeing my family again and showing BIL and SIL our world. Maybe one day my significant other can experience where I came from and the lifestyle of stuffing his face with gross foods I love.
Cannot wait to be home. See you soon.

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