We are in Phuket, Thailand!
It was a struggle getting here only because I’ve been sick the past few days with a cold. I took two days of cold medcine in pill form but Rachel went and got me some cough syrup that didn’t come with a measuring cup yesterday. Since I don’t know how much I am to take, I just chug the amount I think I should and I think I over chugged this morning.
When we got to the airport we got a Hong Kong breakfast. BIL is starting to love congee which is surprising. Feels like if you throw a few pices of meat in anything, he’ll like it. haha
Afterward we headed to our gate. I was so tired, most likely because of the cough syrup, that I took a nap waiting to board.
Once we got on the plane I was so tired I knocked out before we even lift off. When I woke up few minutes later they were passing out peanuts and drinks. I didn’t eat mine.
I went back to my nap and woke up to them passing out food. I guess I can smell it. ha … Fattie. I was actually very full but ate some while watching “She’s Funny That Way”. Another good movie in the books for me. I went back to my nap. Woke up and watched an episode of 2 Broke Girls. It’s always a show I’ve wanted to watch but can never find on Netflix or Amazon.
When we finally got off the plane we drove an hour to our abode. I slept the entire way. Which rarely happens. Thanks cough syrup. We checked in and then we went and ate at Horn Grill Steakhouse. We ordered drinks and some dishes. It was okay. Sissy and I shared and gave the rest to BIL. They also give you a shot of guava juice at the end. So refreshing.
We walked to the beach to scope it out then went to the store to get some necessities. People here do not care as you can tell in the picture. They left their vespa and sidecar in the middle of a two way street. We headed back to the abode where they showered and I again … fell asleep.
When everyone was ready, we went and got massages. Apparently I fell asleep there too and the lady had to keep tapping on me to switch positions. Whoops. I don’t know what is going on but these episodes has been helpful in making me sleep.
We then walked around some more and they got some fresh juices mixed together. The rain started to drizzle then poor down. Luckily we live clos and got home soon enough.
We relaxed a bit and talked about some excursions we were thinking of. Now we’re ready for bed and y’all know … I am. haha Hopefully I’m not like this tomorrow though.
It’s only 9:35pm here in Thailand but … good night. 😛

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