We were ready to go and walk Mong Kok with Vincent but Dad had different plans for us. We had to meet out in the almost boondocks for brunch with my other Dad’s cousin at his restaurant. He ordered a bunch of foods and thankfully we told him we had shopping plans so we were able to head out after about an hour or so. I felt sorry for Vincent since he had to be there only because we had made plans earlier.
Afterward, we rode taxis to Mong Kok and ate street foods while we shopped for souvenirs. We didn’t buy much though so it felt we were more just walking and eating … not much different from any other day that we’ve been here.
Not much else happened. We went back to our abode to packed then went to PoPo’s to drop of what we wouldn’t be bringing to Phuket. Than we went to dinner at a Korean BBQ place. All you can eat. I’m certain PoPo gave me some that wasn’t cooked because my stomach was hurting afterward. Hoping I have no problems on my flight to Phuket. Yikes.
I’m a little weary about what we will be doing. Partly because I realized I won’t have a book to read while laying on the beach now that I gave my IPad to Mum to keep while I was away. Whomp. Guess I’ll just tan and fall asleep. Boo …

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