We went to breakfast bright and early. We had to sit at different tables since we had ten people today. I ordered macaroni with shredded ham and abalone, eggs, and bread with a drink of hot milk tea. Yum! … I can never get tired of this … unless maybe if I was living here.
After breakfast we made our way to Ngong Ping 360, the cable cars, to get to the top where the giant Buddha was. 360 because it means that the floor was glass so we could see the bottom where people were hiking to see the Buddha while we rode the car. The ride there was pretty fun, mostly because Tammy is afraid of heights. We took some silly pictures on the way up as we jumped and moved around a lot.
After a good ride later, we made it to the other side and made our way up a lot a lot a lot of stairs to the top where the Buddha resides. By the time we got to the top, it was super breezing and many had to take their jackets out. We took a bunch of pictures with the gorgeous view (one of many shown).
We made our way down and had a vegetarian lunch at the temple which was perfect since Sissy is vegetarian. The food was 100 times better than yesterday’s but also as expensive if not more.
After dinner I needed to pop a squat … literally. The toilets were literally squatters! I actually like squatting more than the porcelain throne. Weird, huh? I want to put one in when I have a home! haha
Tammy and B went to burn incense since she somewhat believes in it. That’s just some random dude I took a picture of as he said his prayers. They took forever since you could only buy it in batches of incense here so we all did one together? … hopefully that’s okay.
Look how big of an incense you can buy! …
I inserted some money into the turtle. I’m not 100% sure why. Maybe for wealth or health? and we are to bribe him?
We went and bought souvenirs as we made our way back to the cable cars to ride back. On the ride back, the car was a little tilted and swung a little due to the heavy wind. It was super freezing by then that I had to put my jacket and hat on.
Rachel bought me an ice cream cone from McDonald’s. I will say that this one is way smoother and doesn’t have a bite to it when I take a bite. And she told me it’s made out of olvaltine! Kind of like a chocolate milk powder before the water …
There were many stray dogs/cows. They aren’t owned by anyone but are super friendly and sleep everywhere. One of them stopped and tried to steal people’s food who were just sitting there. Poor animals. The cow ate someone’s bread along with the bag that was in it. The owner of their food didn’t care as the cow swallowed it whole. Hopefully he’ll be able to poop it out safely.
After Ngong Ping, we went to buy souvenirs if we found anything. We stopped by a shop to buy biter tea though this is actually way sweeter than I thought. These types of teas are suppose to help your throat or body? … My throat has been a little funky since last night. Not too positive it works though.
We had a hot pot dinner and Dad went crazy and ordered so much food. We had already thrown things in there and ate it and thrown more things in there … yet we still had too much. We took the uncooked to PoPo for her to make.
After this, we all went back to our abode and everyone, as always, is knocked out. Our legs feel like jelly but it felt nice to feel the burn. Hopefully by the end of the trip I lose weight instead of gain since we’ve been eating so much food!

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