We woke up bright and early, went and met up with Wilson and his wife at their metro stop to go meet Mum’s side of the family for breakfast of Dim Sum at Maxim’s Palace. In a way to celebrate Sissy’s birthday with PoPo since she wasn’t going to be doing anything else with us the rest of the day.
Rachel and Vincent bought Sissy’s birthday cake. In my opinion, cake here tastes way better than cake in the US. If you ever have a chance to try Maxim Cakes in Hong Kong, you should definitely take it. It’s different good.
We said our farewells to PoPo and made our way to Stanley which is a little area by the water. Not too sure what it is exactly, but you ride a bus up there and walk around. We did some souvenir shopping while we were there. So many little boats.
We also stopped by McDonald’s since B was thirsty … and hungry. I got a Sparkling Lychee Tea which was too sweet for my taste so I gave it to Mum. And there was a buy one get one free pumpkin pie a-la-mode. I shared with Sissy. Mmmm …
Rachel gave me a gift when we met up today and I finally got to open it. They’re cute little things she got from Japan. The Fun Fungi thing are mushroom magnets … wtf … so cool. haha She gave me a few of each little snack which I’m thinking of eating on the plane ride to Thailand.
We left Stanley by mini bus and we had dinner reservations at the top of the mountain (Victoria Peak) for Sissy’s birthday. After realizing it would take forever and a day to ride by tram since there were so many people already waiting in line, we decided to take a taxi. Three to be exact. Drama ensued since this one lady was being a little biyah and tried to cut in front of us. So rude.
We went and took pictures of the skyline before the sun set then bought tickets to the observation deck. By that time it was dark and you can see all the lights from the buildings. So gorgeous. We took a big group photo by the professional and bought one as a souvenir.
The day and night views. Love how great these pictures came out on my camera!! So pretty!!!!
Our dinner reservations at Tien Yi Chinese Restaurant. People mainly go and eat on the mountain top for the view. Sadly, since we had so many people, we didn’t get that view and the food wasn’t amazing at all. It was super overpriced. But I guess at least now I can say I ate at the top of the mountain in Hong Kong … We had pretty much two of each dish which is a crazy amount yet we practically finished it all.
We waited for the tram to go back down. During the ride, it felt like everything was tilted, slanted. It was a pretty cool experience.
We said goodbye to the older folks and made our way to the Halloween festivities. Except there were way too many people that it would have taken us forever to walk to the street that is equivalent to Austin, Texas’ 6th Street. It was literally on the street parallel to us but we decided to ride the metro back to our abode and go another day.
A lot of walking was involved today but it felt nice walking off and sweating because it makes me think that I’m losing weight ….even though we stuff our faces every two seconds.
Never know how to end these posts so let’s just say goodbye for now. haha

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