Since we are renting a place for a few days, we walked to a hotel for the people to pick us up. We signed up for some activities yesterday and they set a 7am pick up time then continued to pick up three Australian girls. We had an hour ride to our first destination so we all fell asleep.
The monkeys. MONKEYS! Ahh .. I went ape shit. I was so excited. Look how freaking adorable they are!! You can buy bananas or corn and feed them. I think that’s a little crazy because that’s a lot of food they’re putting down. So we just watched people feed them. I wanted to steal Marcel home. <3
Afterward we rode a bit to ride elephants. This made me sad. The whole time I rode him, I just wanted it to end. The guy that was in charge of my elephant kept being rude to it because it wanted to eat or rest. It just made me very sad to see. They did stop so they could take a picture. I didn’t buy it but did snap a picture of it. You can see how they chopped their tusks off. So sad.
We had a short car ride to our next event, white water rafting. I think that’s what it’s called. We walked barefoot into the water and waited for the people to open up the dams so there was more water. Not long after we all jumped in and were off on our adventure. You could see all the water going crazy around us. We did a 9km one but I’m certain a 5km one was just as great.
After, they took us to this little country resort place with this gorgeous view to feed us. We were super wet and I felt gross. Luckily we had a fan to dry off of so we did that a bit while we waited for our authentic Thai meal. We finished almost everything. I was even surprised Sissy ate stuff that touched meat/seafood. I guess it comes down to if she really has to, she will eat around it.
There were some crazy red fire ants everywhere and this puppy that licked my knee and followed me everywhere. This is the size I wanted but ended up with a 9lb Rizzo. I miss Rizzo. 🙁
Our last destination was the waterfall. Nothing too crazy. Pretty but not something I thought I would be getting. I thought we would walk through the waterfall or something. Regardless, getting steps in made it better.
How I felt after we knew we were going back to our abode. I was so tired and sweaty. I felt disgusting and wanted to just take off all my wet clothes and sleep. And sleep I did on the forever car ride back to our abode. P.S. I miss being tan.
When we got back, we decided to chill on the beach as the sun set. It was really pretty. We just laid there and people watched. We went back to our place and all showered.
Then headed out for dinner at Red Duck Thai Restaurant. Apparently it has great reviews on TripAdvisor. I would say that the food was a bit expensive compared to last night. I got the watermelon juice shake and yellow curry shrimp. Sissy, BIL, and I decided to split the Tom Yum soup. Everything was extra spicy to the point my lips were burning. I usually don’t do dessert but I ordered a green tea ice cream afterward to help cool the burn.
I could do without such an expensive meal but I was able to bump into one of the best looking Thai guys that was sitting with his family at the table next to us so I didn’t mind. Great view indeed. Sigh.
I’m too sleepy now to do anything. Not much is planned tomorrow but spa day and beach chilling. Sadly I’m ready to go home. I miss my whittle Rizzo so much. 🙁

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