I didn’t even remember falling asleep but I apparently had one of the best ones all trip. Thailand makes me so sleepy and I don’t understand why. I really do hope it’s the medicine.
We got ready and headed to Italian Job Coffee where we all ordered Iced Coffees and baked goods. I got the blueberry muffin because duh, blueberry flavored stuff is the best!
We walked around and went into some street stores to buy souvenirs. By the time we were finished, it started raining pretty hard. Boo on our beach plans. We went back to our place and looked up some things we were wanting to do like elephant tours and whatnot. When the rain died down a bit, we went out again and saw a puppy chilling in the corridor. He didn’t care about the people who walked passed him. So freaking chill.
We stopped by The Old Siam Restaurant for lunch. We ordered two Singha beers even though I wasn’t wanting to drink. Massaman Curry with Chicken. So freaking good! I had a good sweat stache going on and BIL took a picture and sent it to the family.
It was raining harder this time so we went to the stores again and walked around. When we went back to our abode, the puppy was still there. He must be hiding from the rain. Smart little pup.
It seemed like an ongoing pattern. Rain comes and goes. I guess it’s nice to rest a bit. We went out again. A plethora of vespas and jeepnes are always everywhere.
We finally got to the beach. Sissy and BIL played in the water while I chilled with all our stuff.
We watched people parasailing and it’s freaking crazy how the spotter isn’t harnessed in and just hangs around.
Mmmm … this is such a good view. Two very cute guys just plopped down in front of me as I was taking this picture.
After many hours on the beach of just relaxing, reading, and people watching, we went back and they showered. We walked around and bought some souvenirs then went to Eight Fold Restaurant. Watermelon Shake (juice) and Pad Thai with Shrimp was had. Super cheap but super delicious. The watermelon really hit the spot. I drink so much water but it’s not as refreshing as drinking that juice. I want more!
Saw a jeepne made into a bar. Club music was coming out of it too. So freaking funny …
We stopped by a Banana Pancake stand which Rachel said is a must have. We got it with caramel and … mmm so sweet and crispy. So good. Definitely recommended. I’d like to try it with nutella or chocolate though.
It was a pretty chill day. We walked around a lot like we did in Hong Kong, almost the same steps on our chill days but it hasn’t been as tiring. Not too sure why. Tomorrow is going to be a filled day of activities. I’m actually kind of dreading it. I am not ready. Eeeps.

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