Hello from the other side of the world! We finally made it after so many freaking hours. I’m too lazy to figure out how many hours it really took. Plus I’m not too sure how to transition the hours to make it line up to where I am now but … let’s start from the beginning. ((Note: The “<<>>” are for me to remember to put up pictures. It’s super late right now over here.))
Tuesday, October 27th, we left the house around 7pm and hung out at Sissy and BIL’s for a bit before heading to the airport. Surprisingly the wait wasn’t as long as I thought. Soon enough we were on the aircraft and our liftoff was on time on Wednesday, October 28th at 12:55am. If you’ve never been on a super long plane ride, you might not know about the little screens for each individual. I started the Ted 2 movie since one of my co-workers said it was funny and much better than the first one.
Not even an hour on-board (1:45am) we were fed our first meal. Sissy had her special vegetarian order while BIL and I got to chose between chicken or beef. We opted for the beef which turned out to be beef stroganoff with carrots and peas, dinner roll, salad, fruit, and red velvet cake. I asked Sissy why she wasn’t watching her movie while eating and her response was that she wouldn’t be able to concentrate on both at the same time … wow. Haha … it made me laugh because … wow. Ted 2 wasn’t too horrible, but it wasn’t that amazing either. Definitely better than the first one though.
At 8am we were fed a snack of roast beef and provolone on ciabatta bread. I only liked the provolone and tried eating some of the roast beef. No bread for me since I just felt I was carb loading … I shouldn’t complain though because it was definitely much better than Sissy’s grilled onion, zucchini, something sandwich. BLEUGH. During this time I started the movie Trainwreck which I end up loving. It was cute and the girl reminded me of myself at times. I was surprised John Cena was in it. Mmm … <3. I agree with what he said about how why date someone or start anything with someone if you don’t intend to be something more in the future because “we aren’t in high school anymore” in which she replies, ” I didn’t know we were exclusive”. Ugh.
If you know me well enough, you would know I make 11:11 wishes. Oh … and I have to touch it. Haha that always creeps people out. But I was able to make my wish. Then I finally went on my pee break at 11:13am. I started watching Workaholics which I downloaded to my IPad through Amazon Prime. I wish I was able to download all the seasons. Darn Amazon limitations.
We were served another meal at 2:08pm. BIL chose the scrambled egg, sausage, potato combo while I opted for the pork and thousand year old egg congee with fish floss, mantu (Asian type bread), fruit, celery and soy something slices. It felt like all we were doing was eating, sleeping, and watching telly. I’m pretty sure we were gaining weight and bloating up. Grossss. I was able to finish the movie Vacation which I also ended up loving.
We finally landed in Taipei at 5:30am on Thursday, October 29th. This is where the time difference has begun. Our four hour layover became a five hour layover since we arrived an hour early. We walked around for a good while to stretch our legs and decided to eat … again since we wouldn’t be served anymore food and it would be a good few hours before we would get to eat when we arrived in Hong Kong. We took our potty breaks and headed to Hommee Kitchen.
I ordered the Shredded Pork + Pork Chop with Rice that came with daily soup and side dishes. For the drink, I ordered Tapioca Milk Tea. Too much food. Thank goodness for BIL in helping me even though … he really didn’t. We were yet full and unable to breathe. We went and freshened up and headed to our gate. After a little while we find out our flight was delayed due to technical difficulties. So our four hour layover became a five hour layover to a delayed 7 hour layover. JOY!
They gave us a voucher of NT.250 for lunch. Ugh … but we just ate … with our own money! So … we ate again. Yes, I know. We’re gaining weight. I get it. Don’t need to tell us that. But what else were we going to do with it? Can’t let the money go to waste.
We walked to MOS Burger where I ordered the Japanese Fried Chicken, french fries, Toffee Nut Latte, and Hot Matcha Cappuccino. Thank goodness for Sissy and BIL in helping me eat the chicken and fries. I chugged my Hot Matcha Cappuccino and gave the Toffee Nut Latte to Sissy.
Example of how I looked after our five billionth meal. I’m nasty looking since we were in recycled air for so many hours. After that meal we couldn’t breathe. We were stuffed to the brim and I was dehydrated. If you knew me personally and spend enough time with me, you’ll know I drink copious amounts of water and only water 98% of the time; so I was dying. We walked around again and I was certain my food sweats were beginning (gross, I know) and headed back to our gate to find out that it would be a little while longer.
We finally boarded our flight at 12:45pm and lifted off at 1:35pm due to so many planes needing to take off as well. And once again we were fed which was news to us. It was some kind of Asian chicken with Rice and a side of nut mix. The smell of the food made me want to throw up. And when I told Sissy and BIL I had never been this full in my life, BIL’s response was, “It’s like a never ending buffet”. True but at least at a buffet, you get to walk around to get your food.
We finally landed at 2:53pm and got through customs pretty quickly along with getting our luggage. Mum and Kathy were waitng for us at the gate. After getting our Octopus cards filled (for transportation), we went on a bus and headed to our little abode for the week.
During the ride, I got a little sad. I found out I wouldn’t be seeing my little cousin (at least that’s what I was told). He was one of the ones who picked me up from the airport back in 2012 and the whole ride to the home, he and I talked trying to get to know one another. It’s sad to think he won’t be here for the memories.
When we got to the abode, we all relaxed for a bit and went to PoPo’s place by Metro then another bus where she pretty much couldn’t stop hugging any one of us. She told me I looked burned (like by heat), which is apparently for I lost a lot of weight since the last time I saw her.
We went off to dinner and laughed and joked so much. It just felt nice having everyone together for the first time and getting to see the family we only see once in a blue moon. After dinner, we went back to PoPo’s place where we picked some watches Kathy had for us to take home. I think I finally own a grown up watch. Eeek. Not too sure when I’ll ever wear it though.
Afterward, we headed back to our abode, showered, and everyone is currently knocked out as I type this out. Time for me to follow suit! Bye!

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