I’m really sucking on this 365 … I think I might scrap it.
But surprisingly I’ve made time every day to update. That’s got to mean something, right?
Maybe I’ll stop after 30 days … we’ll see.
This is currently one of the walls of my office.
First two are from Julia & Noel’s wedding.
The next four is with sissy when we went to a bridal expo.
The one after that … work from Go Texan Day.
And well the last one is a Christmas card from one of the ladies at work. My first legit family photo Christmas card. I love it!
Every day almost every day I look at this wall and am reminded of the people around me. Given it’s some of the same people in some pictures (I haven’t printed any of my own), I think back the days of when we took those pictures. It’s nice to have some homey memories when work get tough.
I need more pictures to put up! Who wants to do some photo booth pictures with me please and thank you?
Hump Day is almost over. Tomorrow is my Friday. Ahh … I cannot wait.
Think Good Thoughts.

If the project is more of a responsiblity and less of a “fun thing!!” then maybe stick it out for 30 days and finish. No shame!!
thanks girl. needed to hear it was okay. 😉 happy Friday!
I love the photo booth photos! I’ll do some with you haha!
SWEEEEET! Now we just have to find some … I’ll meet you in the middle. 😉