Okay … maybe not together. That’s kind of gross.
But I made my first ever quinoa meal! It’s a lot mushier then I’d like. I guess I’ll stay away from the rice cooker to do it’s work and use a regular pot of water.
Anyone know how to make perfect quinoa? I need help!
All wrapped up in a tortilla. Mmm …
And had half of a cantaloupe.
Too much food. But SOOOOOO good!
Workout DONE-ZO. I’ve been feeling a little pierce in my knee so I couldn’t go full out. Hopefully it’ll be better by tomorrow!
Shower. Card writing. Bloggin’. Doctor Who. Sleep.
Tomorrow’s Hump Day. Thank goodness!

Whoa that quinoa does look way mushy! Did you put the right amnt of water!? I do 1/2 cup of quinoa and 1.5 cups water for about 20 min, and stir it when it’s starting to fluff up!
I don’t know what happened!! I don’t think I’ll use the rice cooker method again. But the next day when I ate it, it wasn’t mushy! maybe the moisture had to escape? I don’t know. 🙁 I shall try again another time.
I have never made quinoa, but I have seen a lot of girls who have and post their recipes!
ohh geeze I need to check out their recipe. I mean it tasted good. just mushy. haha