Before I talk about my Project 365 for today I just want to say:
Do not eat Ikea’s Swedish Meatballs!
There could be horse meat inside. They state that the ones in US are safe but … they come from the same factory. You’ve been warned. Click on the link above to read more about it!
Today we got to dress up as a cowboy/cowgirl celebrating Texas. Since it’s Rodeo time and stuff. I forgot to dress up. Whoops.
But I still got free bbq! And there was a photo booth there. I took some pictures with some kiddos from work. We also got cookies shaped like Texas, Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo bandana, and a HERO bag. Sweet!
It’s no doubt everyone’s talking about the Oscar’s today. I, however, go to Yahoo! News for my Oscar’s recap. And these will do just fine.
Seth MacFarlane was the host and he made a “I Saw Your Boobs” song and dance. A little weird and awkward. But that’s who he is.
Channing Tatum apparently waxes … but I don’t care. He’s just on here cuz he is fine.
Sandra Bullock is STILL gorgeous with that face.
Let’s not forget Jennifer Lawerence’s fall. I wasn’t a big fan of her but after that speech … seeing the real her (no not the falling) after the fall. It doesn’t phase her and she can still joke about.
And then I leave you with the outfits. I don’t know who gets to chose what looks good or not. I think Helen Hunt’s dress was perfect seeing how she’s trying to save the world. Yet she get’s a bad grade. Designer doesn’t mean anything!!
Time to read some blogs, watch some Netflix, and hit the hay!
This week is going by TOO slow.

I had never really thought about Jennifer Lawrence before, but articles about her/interviews with her have been all over my FB newsfeed and she really seems like such a fun person 🙂
Agreed. she seems down to earth. I really hope fame doesn’t change her though.
I actually watched the Oscars this year, and haven’t watched it in YEARS!!! I LOVE Seth MacFarlane, the boobs song was funnnayyy. I also love Jennifer Lawrence. She’s adorable.
ahh I felt so bad for her seeing her fall down. 🙁 but it’s nice to know there were some gentlemen that weren’t staring and willing to help!
I agree this week is going by too slow!! Thanks for the hilarious clips from the oscars!! lol
Tomorrow’s hump day … we’re slowly slowly slowly getting there!