I don’t like having busy day’s off. It makes me feel like I’m still working. Oh errands.
- I began the day with a 2 hour sleep cycle. Sounds horrible but at least I got to see the sun rise for the first time in a long time!
- I had to take Rocky (not pictured) to the dentist. He’s been pretty chill since we’ve picked him up. I think he still have a little of the anesthesia in him.
- Went out to sissy’s and we did our taxes. Sent and excited for my monies!
- Had lunch at Candelari’s and got the buffet. Stomach was so full of yumminess.
- Got to take Bruno (sissy’s dog) home with me! He’s currently laying right beside me. Ahh such a good doggie.
- Went to watch 21 and Over with Samantha. Funny movie. Not like a I love it so much you HAVE to see it movie. But it wasn’t bad. Good to watch when you have nothing to do.
- Oh and Vitacost. Best –ish ever finally came. Only thing was they had two items missing. BUT they are amazing. You call them and tell them and they resend the stuff in a jiff. Some things in there might go into the giveaway I’m thinking about all day everyday. Keep heads up! Planning a giveaway is hard!
Okay … time to just finally relax. Good night, loves!

Whooo busy busy day!!
sometimes they are the worst but it wasn’t that horrible yesterday. hope you’re having a good weekend! 🙂