Wow … these titles of mine are horrific.
My Project 365 is down below if that’s what you’re here for!
Just sharing thoughts on stuff I’ve read online:
- Gas prices are already going to $4! And for the past few days, it’s been rising … soon enough it’ll be $5 a gallon! This isn’t helping my money matters. How will I travel to see my friends all over Texas?!
- The Postal Service is apparently going to launch their clothing line in 2014 ever since they announced they will stop Saturday mail. I guess they really do need the money. But hey, no complaints here. I’m actually pretty excited to see what they come up with. They do have some pretty good clothing for any kind of weather.
- One old school clothing is now coming back … overalls. I remember getting made fun of for wearing them but now they’re popular again … apparently. Who’s pulling their old ones out from the back of their closets?
- There are some bad habits that are actually … good. Things like procrastination, coffee, napping, etc. Of course in moderation though. But now you have an explanation next time someone tells you it’s bad for you! Check out the video here!
Pradaria’s for lunch with the coworkers. Mmm … so much yummy, fatty meat.
The best thing I always eat there and LOVE is the cow tongue. I know some of y’all are cringing. But seriously, don’t knock it til you try it!
I went to Walgreens after work and I saw FOUR post office trucks. What’s up with that?
Too excited that it’s Friday tomorrow. This has been one of the toughest weeks I’ve had since working here. I’m so over it. Hello, weekend!
Think Good Thoughts!

I hear ya about it finally being the end of the week. Thank the good lord.. These weeks drag out lately. Oh and that is very adventerous of you to try cow tongue! I think I saw that contestants eat that on a reality show haha out of curiosity how does it taste? Is it like a steak? Gas prices are HORRIBLE here too at almost 4 bucks 🙁 ugh FML
Mary Kate and Ashley, love those girls! 🙂 Happy Friday and TGIF for sure!!
Same girlie!! 🙂 🙂 Can’t wait for a relaxing night!