On the drive back home after a much needed relaxing weekend with Michelle. It was great getting it after such busy weekends. *sigh* It was great seeing her and now she’s possibly reading my every words. Eep! I love you, Michelle! Thanks for having me!
Anyway, have you ever heard of Evening Primrose Oil? I’ve been Pinteresting and found out their worth. Given I’m not 100% sure if it’s believable, but what’s the harm in trying, eh?
Evening Primrose Oil is said to be “a great anti-aging supplement seeing improvement in skin tightening and preventing wrinkles. Helps with hormonal acne, PMS, weight control, chronic headaches, menopause, endometriosis, joint pain, diabetes, eczema, MS, infertility, hair, nails, and scalp.”
I took my first pill tonight and I will update on it once it’s sunken in for a few days or so. Hopefully it’ll help my eczema and everything else that’s possibly wrong with me. Fingers crossed!
If you’ve taken it or heard of it before, let me know what you think!
Today was the end of THON 2013 and they raised over $12 million! They never cease to amaze. So wished I was there. Makes you feel SO SO SO alive. Sadly a lot of them couldn’t get into the BJC since it was super packed. Oh well … that just means they’re that great!
Michelle sent me this and it made me all happy inside. Dexter misses me! teehee

i definitely want to know how it works out for you – i’ve had eczema for my entire life. so if this kicks it, i want in 😉
I will def let you know. I hope it helps because I’m tired of being nervous of someone seeing and think I have some horrible disease. 🙁 do you do anything special to treat yours?