In my Bucket List, you’ll notice that “own a whole set of a television show” is on there. And I’ve accomplished it. (Most likely the only one ever.) Yay! One Tree Hill … all nine seasons. I’ve been collecting this probably since Season 3 started so it’s been a while. Thank you to everyone that’s made a contribution which is pretty much Mum, brother, Tammy and myself. Whooo wee … hello OTH marathons.
Rose’s daughter, Karen, came to work with her again today. She had these gorgeous feathers. This one was my favorite. I can picture sissy gagging right now. She hates birds.
Karen’s little moose backpack she bought from Canada. She can really stuff that thing to fill up stuff she can do while her mother is busy working.
Samantha’s father and his fiancé are in town right now and invited me and Mallory to a home cooked meal. Spaghetti, cheese bread, salad, wine, and pound cake. Delicious. Thanks again Sam!
Talking to Mum about random things and watching movies from Redbox. Catch yah laters! Happy weekend, y’all!

Yay for OTH! This show has so much meaning to me and I have SO many sweet memories associated with it! There’s only “one” Tree Hill. After seeing your instagram post yesterday I watched the first episode. Ahh….so good! I wish it was still on! Thanks for sparking my good memories 🙂
we should have a oth marathon by ourselves and talk about it hahaha jk … I’m trying to get some of my friends to watch it! so freaking good. AND it’s on netflix.
AW! One Tree Hill! I miss that showwww…
I have [almost] all of the Gossip Girl seasons on DVD (no shame!) and my roommate has all of Gilmore Girls. It’s definitely a girls apartment, haha.
That dinner looks so yummy! Nothing beats a home-cooked meal.
it’s on Netflix! and I wish there was someone who had gossip girl season 6 (last season?) because I can’t find that ANYWHERE to watch. *sigh*